Wait! – It’s not Winter Yet

I’m Not Quite Ready for the White Stuff

Just the other day I’m talking about the colorful Fall. And then some cold and blustery weather rudely interrupts my plans to get the house winterized. It’s early November and the snow outside is blowing sideways.

What’s a person to do who hasn’t yet raked all of the leave, secured the storm windows, retrieved the snow-melt from the garage and checked out the snow blower?

Well, I didn’t panic. Wearing neither my heavy duty coat nor warm gloves, I grabbed my camera to get a few shots of the white stuff.

For all of my complaining, once I’m outside I kind of like exploring the moisture-laden outdoors.


Maybe you can detect that I’m being a little facetious here.

I spent only a few minutes outdoors walking in the yard to take these photos. Yet they’ve recorded what my day was like. As I move from one photo to another I feel the snow falling on my face, my frosty fingers wiping droplets from my glasses, my shoulders shrugging to keep the cold air from rushing down my collar.

Regardless of the weather – rain or snow; sunny or cloudy; hot or cold; – there’s opportunity awaiting you to capture the moment in pictures.


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