Category Archives: personal

T-Shirt Collection

T-shirts are an individual’s way of explaining to the world who they are, what products they like, places that they’ve visited, what company they work for, what humors them or the politics that they follow.

Let’s see how these examples fit in to the above description.

Dancing Fountains

This is the last of the water that I’m showing.

Going to Las Vegas in the future? Don’t miss the Bellagio and these fantastic fountain shows..


  1. God Bless The U.S.A.
  2. Believe
  3. Your Song
    Your Song

    Whenever you’re in Las Vegas, the Bellagio is a “must” place to visit.

    Written by: Arnie Lee

    Photographing the Picturetakers

    Pictures of People Taking Pictures

    Over the years, I’ve taken a lot of photographs.

    While I have many idiosyncrasies, one of them is observing and sometimes photographing others who are also taking photographs.

    I’ve captured a bunch of photographers taking pictures of their relatives and friends and/or the scenic surroundings that I am also there to record. Some are funny, some are serious. I have a good time recording these picture.

    Below is part of my collection. Keep in mind that I am not photographing the surroundings, only the picturetaker. They are arranged by the location where taken and when possible I’ve included the date taken.