Monthly Archives: March 2024

Recycle Bins and Trash Cans

Keeping Our Streets Clean

Yes, my photo collections are sometimes “strange”.

This collection began with the many travels that I’ve taken over the years.

As you’ll see there is a lot of variety in the size, shape and color of the receptacles that we use to dispense with all of our litter.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Semis on the Highway

Tractor Trailers

I enjoy driving alongside the many semi-tractor trailers and seeing how they are diligently doing their part to keep our economy moving.

Here’s a small gallery that illustrates some of the monstrous loads that they are delivering throughout the country.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Quick Flight Home

I just returned from a trip west from our home in Michigan. As usual I had my camera with me to record some of the events during the flight back from Denver.

This is our aircraft at the gate in Denver. It is a Boeing B737 Max.

I’m always hoping for clear, cloudless skies. During the flight I’m continuously looking out of the window at the scenery below. One of my “hobbies” is to photograph airports from above. It’s relatively easy to spot an airport because of the long, straight runways which stand out from the surrounding scenery.

This is the Ankeny Regional Airport. It is located a few miles north of Des Moines, Iowa.

Our flight took a route that was close to a straight line from Denver to Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is relatively easy to determine the location of the plane from the map that is displayed on the seat back screen.

Our aircraft was equipped with seat back displays. One of the view options is to show the flight progress. This helps to identify the scenery as I take photos from the plane’s window.

By referring to the seat back display I was able to look for landmarks that help me determine the area below.

This is the Monticello Regional Airport located northeast of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Here is the Kenosha Airport. It is located in Wisconsin just north of the Illinois state line.

Less than a minute after passing the Kenosha Airport, we started the flight across Lake Michigan.

What you see here is the southeast coast of Wisconsin.

Our plane landed about fifteen minutes later after crossing Lake Michigan. Clouds over our home in Grand Rapids prevented me from taking any further photos of the scenery below.

As an “aviation nerd” I simply enjoy taking picture during these flights.

For those of you who might wonder how I can know the name of the airports in the photos that I take from 35,000 feet or so, please refer to an article at my other website

Written by:

Arnie Lee