Monthly Archives: August 2022

Window Seat Please

Birds Eye View

For business travel, I’ve endured my share of airplane flights.

I’m not one to watch the airline’s inflight movies so to help pass the time onboard I spend a good amount of time looking out of the window at the earth below.

In years past it wasn’t easy to determine the flight path so I would take a photo of the scenery and try to identify the location at a later time. Nowadays it’s fairly easy to track the flight path using your phone’s GPS feature.

Sometimes the weather and the lighting wasn’t always cooperative for photography so some of the photos are “rough”. Anyway, below is a collection of some of the sights that I’ve enjoyed on a few of my flights.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Towering Above You

Keeping the Planes Flying

As a collector of “all-things-airplanes” I’m always looking at the mechanics and logistics of how a group of aviation professionals launch aircraft in the air and reel them back in when ready to settle back to earth.

Among these professionals are many talented men and women working in precision in the airport towers to make it all happen.

Below is my collection of some of the places where these air controllers work.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Airports from up high

Looking down from above

While flying, my preference is to sit by a window so I can see the earth’s sights.

I’ve flown enough that I can recognize when the aircraft is passing over an airport. One of my “hobbies” is to photograph and then later try to identify the airport.

Below are a some of those airports which I’ve been able to photograph. For the aviation buffs among you, I’ve included the airport identifier.

If you’re interested in how I am able to identify airports, here’s a link to my other site where I show you a few of the techniques:

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)