Tag Archives: casinos

Casino Hopping

inside and outside

Early last month I was in Las Vegas for a few days. For the last forty or so years, I’ve traveled to Las Vegas for business and pleasure so I’m pretty familiar with the city and surroundings. But each time I return there is always something new to see. It’s a very dynamic place.

Since I’m not into gaming, neither the blackjack and crap tables nor roulette wheels interest me. However is you continue to walk through the huge gaming areas you will reach the shopping area lined with elegant (and expensive) retail stores selling jewelry, clothing and fashion accessories.

I’m not really a shopper but i do I enjoy window shopping. Here are some of the “attractions” for visitors who are not gamblers.

There are many other colorful displays in and around the casinos that always attract my attention.

Outdoor dancing fountain at the Bellagio

Las Vegas Architecture

<br /> Some Amazing Buildings<br />

Night and Day in the City

Over the years the Strip in Las Vegas has expanded tremendously in all directions. The strip has grown longer expanding both northward and southward. It has become fatter – spilling out on both sides of Las Vegas Blvd. And the glitzy casinos and picturesque buildings now stretch upward, leaping skyward.

To walk the Strip is to be amazed by this part of the city’s architecture. Below is a look at some of these sites during the day and after the sun goes down.


I’ve photographed only a few of the casinos here. But Las Vegas is home to countless other amazing buildings. Even if you’re not a gambler the size and scale of the architecture is worth a visit to the city.

Written by:

Arnie Lee




Announcing Business Names

For want of a better description, I’ve titled this collection of photographs “Storefronts”.

Among these are pictures of small and giant signs alike, entrance ways, doorways, banners and more.

 cc-by-ndlicense logo   This work by Arnie Lee is licensed under a Attribution-No Derivatives (CC BY-ND 4.0)